Sunday, October 26, 2008

Fall Festival at the Church

Church Fun!!

Last night I had a surprisingly good time at our Branch Fall Social. I hate to admit it but I wasn't very excited about going. But, being the activities chairman I thought I better make an appearance. No one asked me to help or have any input in the activity....hmm, oh well. I guess the branch has been doing these activities for so long that they don't really need any planning.

When I got there, the tables were set up and decorated. There were decorations on the walls. A table was set up for the food etc. hmmm, I said to myself. I don't even know who did it or anything. But, anyway, it was a potluck dinner. There was tons of food and there was a pie baking contest. I didn't bring a pie but I was able to have a piece, (or two). I took sloppy joe's and chips. Everyone else brought casseroles. So many people turned out, even people that I have not seen at church, go figure. The young men, young women had games and prizes in the classrooms, and a closet, our church house is very small. The primary kids were able to wear their costumes. Jaxon came home with a lunch sack full of little prizes and candy.

All in all, it was a good time. My pictures are of my friends here in Marion. Emily and Ben Titensor, they are so funny. Ben is a crack up as you can tell from the picture. The missionary is Elder Scruggs, he's awesome. He is from Utah, between SLC and Provo.

Now I know how they do the activities here. Gives me a better idea of how to plan them. The next big one will be the Christmas Party. I better start planning for all the decorating. Also, the branch pres. wants me to plan a social for the young, inactive couples with small children. What do I do??!! Any ideas would be appreciated.

1 comment:

  1. Just in case you're not sure, Ben IS wearing a wig, remember, it WAS a Halloween party! ha ha
